First East Asian Conference for Slavic Eurasian Studies
on February 5, 2009
Location: Room 3
14:00 - 16:00 II-3
The End of Autonomy? Regional Politics in Russia after Putin
Aburamoto, Mari, Tokyo U
Feng Shaolei, East China Normal U
Aburamoto, Mari, Tokyo U

The Partial Federalization of United Russia in the Putin Era: The Case of Khabarovsk Krai under the Monetization of L'goty

Chuman, Mizuki, Keio U

The Rise and Fall of Power-sharing Treaties between Moscow and Regions, 1994-2007

Yang, Cheng, East China Normal U

Is Regions’ Para-Diplomacy Still Viable? The Russian Far East and China’s North East
Kim, Seongjin, Duksung Women’s U
