Announcing the Publication of Energy and Environment in Slavic Eurasia

From its editor, Shinichiro Tabata  


SRC has just published Energy and Environment in Slavic Eurasia: Toward the Establishment of the Network of Environmental Studies in the Pan-Okhotsk Region (Slavic Eurasian Studies, No. 19), demonstrating the first results of a joint project (2007-2011) with the Institute of Low Temperature Science of Hokkaido University, the New Energy Resources Research Center of the Kitami Institute of Technology and our counterparts in the Russian Far East. Some papers focus, among others, on the energy and environmental problems related to the construction of the East Siberia - Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline. For example, Shoichi Itoh, Senior Researcher at the Economic Research Institute of Northeast Asia (ERINA), discusses such hot issues as relations between Russia, China and Japan for the development of energy resources in East Siberia and their transportation.

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