SRC Winter Symposium Socio-Cultural Dimensions of the Changes in the Slavic-Eurasian World ( English / Japanese )

Russo-Chinese Relations in the post-Cold War period

Akihiro Iwashita

Copyright (c) 1996 by the Slavic Research Center( English / Japanese ) All rights reserved.


1 See, J.Li, The Sino-Russian Relations in the New Period, Y.Akino, Moscowユs New Perspectives on Sino-Russian Relations, Socio-Economic Dimensions of the Changes in the Slavic- Eurasian World, Slavic Research Center, Sapporo, 1996.
2 Op. cit., pp. 304-307.
3 Prof. Akinoユs analysis seems to be mostly based on his own independent sources of local issues, especially concerning the territorial issue in the Russian Far East, for example Chita, Khabarovsk, and Martime regions. His sources are original and persuasive, however, his conclusion does not seem to be exciting: if Russia and China will solve the territorial issue, they can be quasi-allied. See: Yutaka Akino, Chu-ro-kankei-no-kiro(jou)(chu)(ge), Sekai-Shuhou, 11, 18, 25 July, 1995.
4 Akira Ishii, Nitchu-kankei: Ichijun-ka-shita-saikuru, Chugoku-wo-meguru-kokusai-kankyo, Iwanami-shoten, 1990, pp.186-187.
5 S. Amako, Chinaユs Reform and Open-Door Policies: The Pace Picks up, Japan Review of International Affairs, Vol. 6, Number 2, pp. 135-136.
6 Nezavisimaq Gazeta. 1 aprelq 1992. C. 1.
7 Zai Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shanghai dengdide tanhua yaodian, Deng Xiaoping wenxuan, Vol.3, Beijing, 1993, pp.370-383.
8 P. Nolan, Chinaユs Rise, Russiaユs fall, Macmillan, 1995, pp. 3-4.
9 Koncepciq vnewnej politiki RF ##Diplomatiheskij Vestnik. Specialnyj vypusk. qnvar 1993. S. 5-6, 7 A. Kozyrev, The Lagging Partnership, Foreign Affairs, May/June 1994, pp. 59-60.
10 Akihiro Iwashita, Roshia-gaikou-no-henyo: Chugoku-tono-kankei-wo-tegakari-ni, Roshia-Kenkyu, No.19, 1994, pp.33-34.
11 Ni Xiaoquan, Recent Developments in Chinaユs Relations with Russia and the United States, Institute Reports April 1995, East Asian Institute, Columbia University, p. 3.
12 Zhongguo dongou zhongyasuehui disijie nianhui, Dongou zhongya yanjiu, 1996, No.4, pp.78-79.
13 For more details, see the reference paper: Akihiro Iwasita, Kenkyu-noto: Kyokuto-Roshia-kara-mita-Chugoku.
14 W. D. Zhang and Y. W. Xiong (eds.), Guanjian shiqi lun gaigekaifang, Heilongjiang jiaoyu chubanshe, 1992, pp.10-11, 248-258.
15 Vladivostok. 14 i[lq 1995. S. 5. For more details over Chinese immigrants and poachers, see the excellent report published by a correspondent in Khabarovsk branch of Hokkaido Shinbun(Ryoichi Honda, Yureru-kyokuto-Roshia: Kokkyo-wo-iku, Hokkaido-Shinbun-Sha, 1996.)
16 Vladivostok. 19 maq 1994. S. 4 8 i[lq 1994. S. 3.
17 Priamurskie Vedomosti. 23 aprelq 1994. S. 1.
18 Amurskaq Pravda. 24 noqbrq 1994. S. 1.
19 V. L. Larin. Rossijsko-Kitajskie svqzi na regional nom urovne v nahale 90-x godov. S. 5 (Doklad nauhogo soveta (Slavic Research Center). 18 sentqbrq 1996 g.).
20 Amurskaq Pravda. 6 qnvarq 1995. S. 4 Utro Rossii. 15 fevralq 1995. S. 2.
21 Tokyo-Shinbun, February 16, 1995, p. 1. See, Tokyo-Shinbun, February 25, 1995, p.5.
22 See, Krasnoe Znamq. 25 fevralq 1995 g. S. 3 Vladivostok. 2 marta 1995. S. 10 7 marta 1995. S. 2 15 marta 1995. S. 13-14.
23 Vladivostok. 19 aprelq 1995. S. 5.
24 Vladivostok. 14 i[lq 1995. S. 5.
25 Ne nu'na tomu Evropa, u kogo bol waq dru'ba ##Delovye L[di. No. 60, 1995. S. 73-74.
26 Yin Jianping, Eluosi yuandong duihua jinmao hezuo xiahuade yuanyin duice, Longjian shehui kexue, 1995, No.6, pp.35.
27 Tixookeanskaq Zvezda. 4 marta 1995. S. 1.
28 Priamurskie Vedomosti. 29 marta 1995. S. 1 23 i[nq 1995. S. 2.
29 Priamurskie Vedomosti. 9 marta 1995. S. 1 20 maq 1995. S. 1 Tixookeanskaq Zvezda. 23 maq 1995. S. 1.
30 Amurskaq Pravda. 12 i[lq 1995. S. 1.
31 Amurskaq Pravda. 25 fevralq 1995. S. 1 14 marta 1995. S. 1-2.
32 Compare with the two commandersユ opinion. See, about Khabarovsk, Priamurskie Vedomosti. 16 sentqbrq 1995. S. 1 Tixookeanskaq Zvezda. 19 sentqbrq 1995. S. 1 28 dekabrq 1995. S. 2. About Vladivostok, Vladivostok. 14 i[lq 1995. S. 5.

SRC Winter Symposium Socio-Cultural Dimensions of the Changes in the Slavic-Eurasian World ( English / Japanese )

Copyright (c) 1996 by the Slavic Research Center( English / Japanese ) All rights reserved.