スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター 生存戦略研究プラットフォーム 国際シンポジウム



日 時: 2023年2月21日(火)~22日(水)

会場: 北海道大学スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター 大会議室 (403室)/オンライン併用

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 Plenary Meeting of the Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies <生存戦略研究全体集会>
10:00–11:00 (GMT+9) Keynote Lecture

Odd Arne Westad (Yale University)

“Chinese Empires since the 1890s” (Online)

Moderator: David Wolff (SRC)(Online)
11:15–13:00 (GMT+9) Roundtable   Ends of Empire: Lessons from Russia

Alena Ledeneva (University College London)

“Informality, Survival Practices, and Living with Uncertainty” 

Diane Koenker (University College London)

“How Far from Moscow? Soviet History and Its Challenges”

Norihiro Naganawa (SRC)

“An Anarchist Turn? Toward a Transnational History of Russia’s Empire”

Moderator: Yoko Aoshima (SRC)
14:15–15:30 (GMT+9) 生存戦略研究ユニット会議   [日本語]


「地政治から考える生存戦略: コロナ、ウクライナと境界研究」





 Symposium on Ukraine and Russia <ウクライナ・シンポジウム>
16:00–16:10 (GMT+9) Opening Remarks
  Tomohiko Uyama (SRC)
16:10–18:10 (GMT+9) Session 1  Politics in Wartime: The Survival of Ukraine and the Survival of Political Actors

Serhiy Kudelia (Baylor University)

“Ukraine’s Political Regime under the Test of War”

Silviya Nitsova (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

“The Extremely Rich during the Politics of the Extraordinary: Oligarchic Networks of Influence and the Russia-Ukraine War”

Ararat Osipian (New University in Exile Consortium)

“World Bank Comes to Ukraine: University Mergers, Protests, Corruption, War” (Online)

Discussant: Masatomo Torikai (Osaka University)
Moderator: Hideya Matsuzaki (Tsuda University)
9:30–11:30 (GMT+9) Session 2  Russian Economy in Wartime: Demography, Gas and Foreign Trade

Sergey Zakharov (Nantes Institute for Advanced Study)

“Demographic Trends in Contemporary Russia: The Era of ‘Black Swans’”

Vitaly Yermakov (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies)

“Russian Gas in 2022 and Beyond: Caught in the Geopolitical Controversy”

Michitaka Hattori (SRC) 

“Analyzing Russia’s Foreign Trade Performance with No Russian Official Statistics Available”

Discussant: Yuko Adachi (Sophia University)
Moderator: Shinichiro Tabata (SRC)
13:00–15:00 (GMT+9) Session 3  War, Art and Media: Survival Strategies of Ukrainian Culture

Amelia Glaser (University of California San Diego)

“Our News Feed Is a Gallery of Loss: Translating and Archiving Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry”

Yuliya Ilchuk (Stanford University)

“‘Here’s your Language, Woman, Shoot from It’: Ukrainian Women’s Poetry During the War”

Ana Hedberg Olenina (Arizona State University)

“A Quest for the Public Sphere: Ukrainian Documentary Cinema and Material Cultures of Solidarity”

Discussant: Daisuke Adachi (SRC)
Moderator: Shiori Kiyosawa (SRC)
15:15–16:45 (GMT+9) Session 4 The Present and Future of Historical Research in Ukraine

Volodymyr Potulnytskyi (M.S. Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies, National Academy of Science of Ukraine)

“The Current Situation with Historical Science in Ukraine: Towards Conceptual, Methodological and Generational Aspects of the Problem” (Online)

Taissa Sydorchuk (Omeljan Pritsak’s Research Centre for Oriental Studies of National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)

“Preservation of the Unique Orientalist Collection of Omeljan Pritsak at National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Conditions of War” (Online)

Gennadii Korolov (University of Warsaw)

“Ukraine and Decolonization of the History of East Central Europe” (Online)

Moderator: Yoko Aoshima (SRC)
17:00–18:10 (GMT+9) General Discussion  
Keynote Remarks:

Taras Kuzio (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)

“The Kremlin’s Invasion of Ukraine: How It Has Fundamentally Changed Russia-Ukrainian Relations and Eurasian Studies”

Yoshihiko Okabe (Kobe Gakuin University)

“The Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on Japan”

Moderator: Tomohiko Uyama (SRC)


 北海道大学スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター 国際的な生存戦略研究プラットフォームの構築 








