Slavic-Eurasian Research Center 2024 Summer International Symposium

The Crucible of a New World?

Russia’s Borderlands at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century

Date: July 18-19, 2024

Venue: Hokkaido University, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Room 403
In-Person Only

Language: English
in Japanese --->       Access Map --->    Past Symposia --->    

Short Bios



 July 18 (Thursday)
9:20- 9:30(GMT+9) Opening Remarks
9:30-11:30(GMT+9) Session 1: “Tradition and Modernization”
Speakers: Tetsu Akiyama (Hokkaido University of Education)

“Nomadic Central Asia Facing “the Age of Nationalism”: A Comparative Analysis of Qazaq and Qirghiz Elites

  Andrei Cusco (Romanian Academy)

“The Orthodox Church, the National Question, and the Spectre of 'Separatism' in Early Twentieth-Century Bessarabia (1905-1914)

  Masumi Isogai (Chiba University)

“Cooperation on the "Morality" of Muslim Women among Muslim Intellectuals and the Islamic Religious Administration in Russia

Discussant: Jin Noda (SRC/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)【Online】
Moderator: Motoki Nomachi (SRC)
13:00-15:00(GMT+9) Session 2: “Nationality Issues in the New Context”
Speakers: Darius Staliūnas (Lithuanian Institute of History)

“Successes and failures of the tsarist nationality policy in the late imperial period (the case of Lithuania and Belarus)”

  Yoko Aoshima (SRC)

“Drifting Apart: Native Language Education Policies in the Polish and Baltic Provinces at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century”

  Ivan Sablin (Heidelberg University/Institute of Contemporary History, Ljubljana)

“Community Building in (Post)Imperial Parliaments: Buryat Deputies and Imperial Transformations”

Discussant: Tomohiko Uyama (SRC)
Moderator: Viktoriia Antonenko (SRC)
15:30-18:00(GMT+9) Session 3: “Globalization: Society, Economy, Infrastructure”
Speakers: Jennifer Keating (University College Dublin)【Online】

“Pastoralists, global markets and frictions of empire in early twentieth century Central Asia: A view from the Karkara valley”

  Yukimura Sakon (Kyushu University)

“The Arrival of Globalization in the Russian Far East: The Russian Empire and Traffic Changes on the Eve of World War I”

  Anton Kotenko (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)

“Peripheral Modernity: The Image of Towns of the Western Borderlands as Hubs of Innovations, 1909–14”

  Akifumi Shioya (University of Tsukuba)

“Khan, Entrepreneurs and Empire: Imperial Russian Developement Projects in Khiva, 1908-1917”

Discussant: David Wolff (SRC)
Moderator: Jasmina Gavrankapetanović-Redžić (SRC)
  July 19(Friday)
10:00-12:00(GMT+9) Session 4: “Protest, Conflict, Violence”
Speakers: Sarah Slye (Independent scholar)

“Networks of Rebellion in the Caucasus, 1900-1916”

  Anke Hilbrenner (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)

“About Jews and other anarchists: Terrorism in the southwestern borderlands of the Russian Empire and the revolution of 1905”

  Stephanie Ziehaus (University of Vienna)

“The Blagoveshchensk Anti-Chinese pogroms 1900 and beyond: the role of Baikal Cossacks in the Amur region”

Discussant: Norihiro Naganawa (SRC)
Moderator: Daisuke Adachi (SRC)
13:30-15:30(GMT+9) Session 5: “From Russia's Borderlands to the World”
Speakers: Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky (UC Santa Barbara)

“Muslim Displacement from Late Tsarist and Early Soviet Central Asia”

  Roman Katsman (Bar-Ilan University)

“Ukraine – Siberia – The Land of Israel: Avraham Vysotsky in 1908-1920”

  Catherine Gibson (University of Tartu)

“Bounds of Empathy: Intra-Imperial Humanitarianism in the Baltic Provinces”

Discussant: Taro Tsurumi (University of Tokyo)
Moderator: Akihiro Iwashita (SRC)
16:00-18:00(GMT+9) Session 6: “New Political Projects”
Speakers: Wiktor Marzec (University of Warsaw)【Online】

“Post-imperial Statehood and Interface Peripheries of the Russian Empire”

  Mirlan Bektursunov (Kyoto University)

“Seeing Soviet Through Lineage: Kyrgyz Lineages and Early Soviet Rule”

  Oleksandr Polianichev (Södertörn University)

“A Ukrainianizing Empire? Tsarist Governance and “Little Russian” Patriotism in the North Caucasus, 1906–1917”

Discussant: Sayaka Kaji (Iwate University)【Online】
Moderator: Hyunjoo Naomi Chi (Hokkaido University)


 Sponsored by:
・ JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) "Melting Empire: Modernizing State and Destabilized Society in the Borderlands of Late Imperial Russia"
・ Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
・ NIHU Transdisciplinary Project “Area Studies Project for Northeast Asia”
・ Research Unit for Ukraine and Neighboring Areas


 Supported by:
 Japan Consortium for Area Studies (JCAS) 


  Contact:Yoko Aoshima  yoko.aoshima[at] ([at] reads as @)