Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
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English News  No.3 , December 1995
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SRC is Celebrating Its 40th Anniversary
Progress of the "Priority Research Project"
SRC Chosen as "Center of Excellence"
Current research staff of SRC
Foreign Visiting Fellows for 1995-1996
Foreign Visiting Fellows for 1996-1997
Research Grants offered by the Japanese Government
Exchange Programs with Overseas Institutions
Guest Lectures
Visitors from Abroad
Essays by Foreign Fellows
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Foreign Visiting Fellows for 1995-1996:

Professors Mastny and Staniszkis will stay in Sapporo until the end of March 1996, while Drs. Shmelev and Popov share the term of one fellow. The former stayed in Sapporo from June 1 to Oct. 31, 1995, and the latterユs stay is from Nov. 1 to March 31, 1996.

Professor Vojtech MASTNY is an eminent specialist on the international relations of East-Central Europe in the 20th century. His works published in the 1970s are esteemed as a classic of the Cold War research. During his stay in Sapporo, where he studies Eastern Europeユs impact on international order in a historical perspective, he prepared for publication his book, The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity: The Stalin Years (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996).

Professor Jadwiga STANISZKIS is a leading Polish political scientist,famous for her works on socialism. At SRC, she is completing a study on the patterns and dynamics of the post-communist order.

Dr.Nikolai SHMELEVis a renowned economist, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a famous fiction writer as well. He was awarded a prize for his latest literary work, V puti ia zanemog [I Got Sick on a Journey] (Moscow, 1995). During his stay at SRC, Dr. Shmelev studied problems of the Russian economy and society in the post-Soviet era.

Dr.Vladimir POPOVis one of the leading economists of the younger generation in Russia. His book, authored jointly with Dr. Shmelev, The Turning Point: Revitalizing of the Soviet Economy (New York, 1990) has been highly acclaimed in the West. At SRC, Dr. Popov researches the macroeconomics of transition in Russia.

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