Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
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English News  No.3 , December 1995
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SRC is Celebrating Its 40th Anniversary
Progress of the "Priority Research Project"
SRC Chosen as "Center of Excellence"
Current research staff of SRC
Foreign Visiting Fellows for 1995-1996
Foreign Visiting Fellows for 1996-1997
Research Grants offered by the Japanese Government
Exchange Programs with Overseas Institutions
Guest Lectures
Visitors from Abroad
Essays by Foreign Fellows
SRC Library News

  1. The Annual Winter Symposium was held at SRC on January 26-27, 1995.
    The proceedings of the symposium, "Slavic Lands and Their Cultures: Approaches to Interdisciplinary Research," Slavic Research Center Occasional Papers No. 57, were published in 1995. The volume includes two contributions in Russian.

  2. The 1995 International Symposium, "Socio-Economic Dimensions of the Changes in the Slavic-Eurasian World," was held at SRC on July 13-14, 1995. More than 100 scholars from Japan and abroad took part , the largest participation ever. Foreign guests included Otto Latis (Izvestiia), Vladimir Ivanov (Institute of World Economy and International Relations), Juha Janhunen (University of Helsinki), Viktor Starodubrovsky (International Institute of Management Sciences), Evgeny Gavrilenkov (Center of Economic Analysis) and the current Foreign Visiting Fellows of SRC. In addition to papers by foreign scholars, contributions were presented by Nobuaki Shiokawa (University of Tokyo), Masaaki Kuboniwa (Hitotubashi University), Seiichi Kitagawa (Hirosaki University), Akihiro Ishikawa (Chuo University), Yutaka Akino (Tsukuba University). The proceedings of this symposium will be published in 1996.

    The next annual Winter Symposium will be held at SRC on January 25-28, 1996. The 1996 International Symposium is being organized for mid-July, 1996.

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