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【関連行事】The CAFS Border Studies Spring Workshop "A fresh glance at Asian Borders"

160317 CAFS Border Studies Workshop.jpg【関連行事】The CAFS Border Studies Spring Workshop "A fresh glance at Asian Borders"

日時: 2016年3月17日(木)15時~18時
会場: 九州大学西新プラザ(福岡市早良区西新2-16-23)
内容: Session 1: "Processing mobile populations"
      "For Whom the Bell Tolls? Migration and Ethnic Minorities in East Asia"
       Naomi CHI (Hokkaido University)
      "Political Borders in an International Airport"
       AIZAWA Nobuhiro (Kyushu University)
     Session 2: "Fencing flows"
      "Border walls and the global war on terror"
       KAWAKUBO Fuminori (Chuo Gakuin University)
      "Fencing the Indian Northeast"
       Edward BOYLE (Kyushu University)

主催: 九州大学アジア太平洋未来研究センター(CAFS)
連絡先: Edward Boyle(tedkboyle[at] [at]を@に変換して送信してください。