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SRC Summer Symposium in 2002
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SRC Summer Symposium 2002

A scene from one of the sessions

On July 10-12, 2002, the SRC Summer International Symposium was held under the title, "Construction and Deconstruction of National Histories in Slavic Eurasia." Ten foreign scholars were invited from Russia, the United States, Bulgaria, Austria and the Czech Republic to give presentations with five Japanese scholars. Unfortunately, two of them could not come to Sapporo due to illness, although all fifteen papers had been submitted to the organizer before the symposium.
This symposium focused on the topics related to: 1) problems in narratives of "national histories" in the post-communist era, 2) examination of "national histories" in the context of cultural histories and 3) historical review on the forming of national consciousness in the processes of modernization in the Slavic Eurasia. Presented papers in each session, including two keynote speeches, were successful in provoking enthusiastic discussion, particularly over the methodology of history, in which many also participated from the floor. The proceedings of the symposium will be published by the end of March 2003.


July 10, 2002

Opening Lectures
Vladimir Buldakov (Institute of Russian History, RAS, Russia) " Attempts of 'Nationalisation' of Russian and Soviet History in the Newly Independent Slavic States"; Andreas Kappeler (University of Vienna, Austria) " The Russian Empire and Its Nationalities in Post-Soviet Historiographies "

July 11

Session 1: Narratives of National Histories in the Post-Communist Era
Victor Shnirelman (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS, Russia) "Fostered Primordialism: The Identity and Ancestry of the North Caucasian Turks in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Milieu "; NAGAYO Susumu (Waseda University, Japan) "The Paradox of Slovak Historiography: The 'Hot Potato' Independent Slovak State, 1939-1945 "; Henry Abramson (Florida Atlantic University, USA) "The End of Intimate Insularity: New Narratives of Jewish History in the Post-Soviet Era"

Session 2: Culture and National History (part 1)
Tomas Glanc (Charles University, Czech Republic) "Method, Message, Manipulation: Remarks on the Writing of History"; KAIZAWA Hajime (Waseda University, Japan) "The Formation of the Concept of 'National Literature' in Russia and the Works of Aleksandr Pypin "

Session 3: Culture and National History (part 2)
Milena Bartlova (Charles University, Czech Republic) "The Search for Deep Roots: Medieval Art in the Historiographies of the Central European Nations "; Panayot Karagyozov (Charles University, Czech Republic) " Slavic Nationalism: An Overview"

July 12

Session 4: Modernization and Nationalism in the Russian Empire
Mikhail Dolbilov (Voronezh State University, Russia) "The Emancipation Reform of 1861 in Russia and the Nationalism of the Imperial Bureaucracy"; UYAMA Tomohiko (SRC) "A Strategic Alliance between Kazakh Intellectuals and Russian Administrators: Imagined Communities in Dala Walayatïnïng Gazetí (1888-1902)"

Session 5: Islam and State
Allen Frank (USA) "Islamic Transformation on the Kazakh Steppe, 1742-1917 (toward an Islamic History of Kazakhstan under Russian Rule) "; KITAGAWA Seiichi (Tohoku University, Japan) "Nationalization of the Islamic Organization in the South Caucasia"
Session 6: Modernity and National Consciousness in Central and Eastern Europe

Vladimir Paounovsky (Institute of Balkan Studies, BAS, Bulgaria) "Bulgarian Policy on the Balkan Countries and National Minorities: 1878-1912 "; SHINOHARA Taku (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan) " Communal Autonomy as a Base of Civil Society: Local Autonomy and the Building of National Culture in Bohemia in the 19th. Century "

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