Eurasia Unit for Border Research (Japan)

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August 1, 2015

[Event] UBRJ Seminar "Visualizing the Aral Sea crisis and the resurrection of the Small Aral"

UBRJ Seminar "Visualizing the Aral Sea crisis and the resurrection of the Small Aral"

Light_UBRJセミナー .jpgProfessor Nikolai Aladin has headed the movement of saving the Aral Sea since the time of Perestroika. In this UBRJ Seminar, he will talk about his experience during the Aral Sea crisis and the contemporary situation of the Northern Small Aral Sea in Kazakhstan, which was partially restored by the construction of the Kok-Aral Dyke in 2005. His talk will be followed by a movie showing about the Aral Sea expedition in September 2011, recorded and visualized by Ivan Aladin, son of Prof. Nikolai Aladin.

Time & Date: 15:00-16:30, August 1, 2015
Venue: Room 401, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Speakers: Professor Nikolai Aladin (Zoological Institute, Russian Academy
       of Sciences)

       Ivan Aladin (Video camera operator, Library of Russian Aacdemy of Sciences)

Language: in Russian (Russian-Japanese translation will be provided if required)
Everybody interested in this topic is welcome.

Contact: Tetsuro CHIDA (Assist. Prof. SRC)
       tetsuroch[at] ([at] should be @), Ext. 4809